Spring4 represent OPEN Health on their UK wide property portfolio, including a simultaneous three site multi-Landlord transaction in Marlow. The project included the acquisition of 10,000 sq. ft. of new office space at Wethered House and lease renewals of a total 17,000 sq. ft. at Liston Exchange and the Weighbridge. Spring4 succeeded in restructuring OPEN Health’s portfolio in Marlow so that the business’ occupation of real estate is now aligned with the overall long term business strategy. Spring4 Project Management successfully delivered the fit-out of the two phase project, including complex restacking of staff throughout the multi-property Marlow portfolio, full plant overhaul and upgrade of dated base build facilities in a converted 19th Century Brewery.
Spring4 have advised and supported us through various UK real estate projects and have consistently delivered excellent results throughout our portfolio. Richard, Luke and Dan take the time to understand our business, which allows us to trust that their advice will always complement our wider business objectives.”